Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Mennonite in a Little Black Dress - Review by ???

I guess we all disliked this book so much that nobody wanted to write a review.  Ratings ranged from 0.5 to maybe a 3 (and I am being generous here).  If you happen to come across this blog and aren't a member of our book club, save yourself some time and don't bother reading it!

However, we did thoroughly enjoy ourselves at the annual book club holiday party and gift exchange.  The food was delicious and the company was even better!  Thanks to Laura B. for hosting.  Just goes to show you that we all don't need a good book to have a good time.

See everyone in 2012 at our next meeting.

The Paris Wife - Review by Lindsay


I guess we didn't get an official review done for this month's book so I am just winging it here.  As I recall (writing this 2 months later) we all loved the book and the rating ranged from 3 to 4.5.  We all agreed that Ernest Hemingway was an eccentric and brilliant man, and obviously very difficult to live with.  Kudos to his first wife, as she was obviously very influential in his early work.

If anyone else has anything to add please do so!