Monday, September 17, 2018

THE SIGNAL FLAME by Andrew Krivak

So, the first thing I must say about this book is that A: It was not the book I thought it was and I'm not sure how it made it onto my list and, B: I would never have chosen a book that is the second book of a trilogy, even though it proclaimed to be a stand alone book. That's where I stop apologizing for bringing this book to group.

For the four of us that met, THE SIGNAL FLAME was a lyrically written, quiet read and, we found that it offered up great character development and delivered an intimate portrait of the relationships between the characters. The themes of loss, love and, redemption were profound. It covered the devastating impact of war on the soldiers, their loved ones and, the community. It was laced with symbolism throughout and made a powerful impression on us, touching our emotions and enabled us to experience the sounds and smells of the Pennsylvania landscape, through the written word.

We had a lengthy and wonderful discussion and, as a result, the four of us are very much interested in reading the third book, especially given the ending. We will do this independently though, so fear not, those of you who did not like this book. Susan has already started the first book in the series, SOJOURN and, is enjoying it.

The ratings ranged from a 2 to 4.5. 

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