Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin

Bonnie Jean wrote the synopsis for our discussion of The Happiness Project.  Here is what she wrote.
Hi all,
    I was not sure at the end of the meeting who was supposed to write this note.  Someone mentioned that perhaps it was me.   I'm happy to do so (because I'm happier now that I read this book:)  )  The majority of ratings for the book were 4 with one 3 and a couple of 3.5.  Some people felt that the author came across as somewhat full of herself, some did not.  Some people wondered if the author's concept of mothering was the same as the typical concept we seem to hold (when did she find time to spend with her kids?).  The author is certainly an accomplished and energetic woman and most were glad they read the book.  Because most people had just finished or nearly finished the book they have not had time to try some of the suggestions in the book.  (You have to bring any good stories to next month's meeting!)  We did feel that her ability to look at herself and think through what worked for her and what didn't work for her - was good for us to think about.    It was sort of a meandering discussion (not in a bad way) and interesting.
If anyone wants to add anything to this - or if Lindsay starts our blog with the new picture Laura took of the group today - please just keep us informed.  Hope to see you all next month. 
Bonnie Jean
Well done Bonnie Jean!  Please put comments below this if you have something you'd like to add to the discussion.


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