Friday, May 13, 2011

Me and Emma by Elizabeth Flock-Review by Kellie

Dearest Book Club Babes:

What a good meeting we had yesterday, much was accomplished!

For starters, we had our biggest group in a long time.  Everyone was present and accounted for with the exception of Deb and Bonnie Jean (we missed you).  Also, we were all on time AND everyone finished the book.  Miracles never cease...

 The book was met with mixed reviews.  Jonnie felt the book was very stereotypical in the way that the South was represented (poor, ignorant, abusive).  However, she was also the only one that figured out very early on that Emma was not real while the rest of us were completely blindsided by this at the end of the book.  A couple of us also had issue with some technical details, such as the dialogue being too mature for an 8 year old girl and also, kids this age in grade school do not have geometry or homeroom.  Things that we could all agree on were that Richard, the stepfather, was truly a despicable character and that momma was weak and neglectful.  It's a proven fact that young individuals in abusive situations often create additional personalities to hide in when the abuse is taking place and this is exactly what Carrie did.  She created Emma to take the abuse that she herself just couldn't face.  :(

The scores ranged from 2.5 to 4.5 so it averaged about a 3.5.
Next months meeting is scheduled for Friday, June 10.

1 comment:

  1. Kellie, you did a great job - I agree with the getting down to business - that way if anyone needs to leave (like to get their hair done!!) they will be able to give their opinion. I will not be at the June 10th meeting but have already read the book - I will wait until I read the meeting notes to give my opinion. Have a great time and I will see you in July!
