Sunday, July 3, 2011

Freedom by Jonathan Franzen-Review by Bonnie Jean

Hi everyone,
    We met at the Pinery club today to talk about Freedom.  We started by talking about the characters and hearing people's reactions/responses to the different characters.  Pat printed out the discussion questions (thanks Pat!) (most of which were a little over the top) and we talked about a couple of them.  It was a good discussion.  The ratings went from 2.5 (Pat raised hers from a 2 after our discussion) to 4.  Most of us liked the book and were happy for the characters in the book that their lives were on the mend by the end of the book.
    Next meeting will be on Friday, 7/15 at Valerie's house at 4:30.  Please let Valerie know what you will be bringing - and the rest of us too so we have a variety of things.  I have included the list of books so we remember what we're reading.
    After the meeting, Kellie and I went to look at the ladie's lounge in the Pinery for a potential meeting place.  We both think it might work well.  I have a call in to Anastasia at the club to see if we might be able to meet there and if they might provide a pastry platter of some such thing for us.  What do you all think about the ladie's lounge?  I'll let you know what I hear from the Pinery.
    Look forward to seeing everyone in July,
Bonnie Jean
P.S.  I just finished a 900+ page book that I really loved (didn't love every moment of it - but it was incredibly fascinating to me) about a guy who escaped prison in Australia and decided he could hide in the slums of Bombay India.  It is based on the author's life - though he calls it a novel.  I told the group to today I would include the name in this e-mail.  It's called  Shantaram -  by Gregory David Roberts  It certainly gives you a picture of the life of a criminal who has a good heart.

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