Monday, October 24, 2011

The Torilla Curtain-Review by Jonnie


We had a great turnout for the October bookclub.  The Tortilla Curtain got an overall 3.8637 (Pam!)   just kidding.  For those that finished the book, they rated it 4 to 4 1/2.  The ones that had not finished the book gave between 3 to 3 1/2.  It was definitely a book that needed to be finished to appreciate.  We all had our opinions on immigration and the effects on our country.  The book gave us a brutal look at what some people will endure just to be here in the US.  Since she lived in Mexico, Cindy was able to give us a first person view on what the Mexican life is like.  She pointed out that our "basics" are far better that what the Mexicans consider basic.  However, she also pointed out that they love and live life to the fullest.  Sometimes we forget that the material things are not what makes a full life!

The book also shows what happens when people want to move to "nature", but then want "nature" on their terms.  We want the beauty and seclusion of living in the "hills", but not the hardship of adjusting to the animals and other natural hazards.  

Overall, most people thought the book was written well, though some thought some of the descriptions were a bit too long.

This book was the CSU school wide book in 2009.  TC Boyle spoke to the school twice that year.  There is a review on the CSU web site.  

The next meeting is at Pinery Country Club pm Nov 11th.  We can use the ladies locker room if the weather is not good.  We will be discussing The Paris Wife.  Bonnie Jean will be leading the discussion.

The Christmas Party will be December 9th at Laura's house.  Make sure you let her know what you are planning on bringing.  (I will bring the baked French Toast Casserole again).  We also discussed becoming more involved in our community as a group.  Both by collecting things for a group and by  volunteering.  Bring ideas and details to the Nov. meeting.  We even discussed maybe doing a different  need every quarter.  Sorry this is late - there were a few people that were going to finish the book and rerate.  It will be interesting to see how they rate after finishing!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Hunger Games-Review by Valerie

We were all present except for Pam H. and Deb; we missed you both! Nine of us rated the book, with 2 being the lowest and 4 the highest, for an average of about 4.  Cindy gave the book a 2 due to the subject matter (kids killing kids). I think we all agreed that we could feel what these characters were going through. It is a book set in the future but there quite a few parallels that didn't make it seem totally impossible, given our society today. The issue of "humanity" was discussed and was thought provoking throughout the book.  Katniss, of course, was our favorite character.  We loved her strength, commitment to family and intelligence, although she was still naive in many ways.

It was definitely a page turner but a few of us felt like a some of the issues represented in the book could have been better developed.  And last but not least, some did not like the ending but....stay tuned and keep reading! Catching Fire and Mockingjay answer many of those nagging questions such as: does Katniss pick Peeta or Gale? Is there a district 13? What will happen to Katniss's family? What becomes of the Capitol?

If you liked The Hunger Games, you have to read all three books!