Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Hunger Games-Review by Valerie

We were all present except for Pam H. and Deb; we missed you both! Nine of us rated the book, with 2 being the lowest and 4 the highest, for an average of about 4.  Cindy gave the book a 2 due to the subject matter (kids killing kids). I think we all agreed that we could feel what these characters were going through. It is a book set in the future but there quite a few parallels that didn't make it seem totally impossible, given our society today. The issue of "humanity" was discussed and was thought provoking throughout the book.  Katniss, of course, was our favorite character.  We loved her strength, commitment to family and intelligence, although she was still naive in many ways.

It was definitely a page turner but a few of us felt like a some of the issues represented in the book could have been better developed.  And last but not least, some did not like the ending but....stay tuned and keep reading! Catching Fire and Mockingjay answer many of those nagging questions such as: does Katniss pick Peeta or Gale? Is there a district 13? What will happen to Katniss's family? What becomes of the Capitol?

If you liked The Hunger Games, you have to read all three books!

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