Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Fall of Giants-Review by Lindsay

The ratings for the novel ranged from a high of 5 to a low of 2.5, we either loved it or hated it.  We found the historical perspective of WWI very interesting as it isn't a part of history that we often study.  Seems like our studies skip from the Civil War to WWII, so we enjoyed that aspect of the book.  We were impressed with the depth and accuracy of the historical research included in this story.  The stark contrast between the classes was engaging.  We could taste the coal dust in the Welsh town, and our hearts went out to the poor peasants in Russia who were hung for minor crimes by the Tsar.  No wonder the Bolsheviks shot the Romanov family!  And you've got to be proud of the United States when you read about the dysfunctional governments around the world during this time, and the mental midgets that instigated WWI. 

The criticism of the book was the huge number of characters and difficulty getting attached to or identifying with any of them.  Some of us thought the writing and dialogue between the characters was a little weak; and the personal situations between the characters was not very believable.  The front row seats the characters enjoyed in viewing actual historical events added to a personal perspective, but hard to believe that they were witness to these pivotal events.  But of course, it is an historical novel, so we must remember that! 

The good news (or bad) is that this novel is the first in a trilogy.  We can continue to follow the characters in the next novel if we so chose.  I think the rise of Hitler will be interesting to read in the next installment.  What a shame the League of Nations was not more successful, perhaps that horrific time in history could have been avoided.

Our next meeting is scheduled for September 9th, 9:30 am at the Pinery CC.  We will be discussing The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, which is the first book in a trilogy as well!

Hope to see you all next month,


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