Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Green Mansions-Review by Cyndie

I think we had a successful book group discussion today!!  We were spread across our rating system from .5 to 3.5 (avg 2.375).  Green Mansions, written in 1904, is not a light read.  W.H. Hudson was a naturalist as well as a writer.  His love of nature and the need to preserve and respect it was evident in this book.  The time period was also relevant as far as the Romantic movement and the "lengthy, descriptive and flowery techniques of Victorian prose". 

That being said, the negatives were  -  descriptions tooooo long
                                                  -  confused about story line
                                                  -  weak plot
                                                  -  too cerebral
                                                  -  too poetic
                                                  -  style of writing/language

The few positives were -  symbolism -  good vs. evil, religion, lost paradise
                               -  command of english language
                               -  outside of our comfort zone
                               -  good story
                               -  for time period, good descriptions of forest

We discussed how rating a classic novel is different because of all the underlying meanings written into them.   Some books can be dissected and evaluated in many degrees, where others are just not deeper than the title.

Pam H. will check her library of pictures for one of her daughter with Rima in Hyde Park.

Now we can check W.H. Hudson off of our reading bucket list!

The book Saving CC Honeycutt was offered by Bonnie Jean as a good read.  I have read it.  I enjoyed it.  It reminded me of the book with the bees...the title escapes me.

Our next meeting will be February 10th.  It will be held at the Pinery CC at 9:30am in the women's lounge .  The book is Same Kind of Different As Me by Ron Hall and Denver Moore.

See you then. Safe journeys to those of you heading out!  Happy Reading!

Hasta Luego


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