Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Imperfectionists-Review by Valerie

The Imperfectionists Cover
The average rating was a 1.8, brought down by zeros from Lindsay and Cindy (a first!).  Kellie gave it the highest rating of 3.5.  Kellie, from about chapter 3, was able to grasp that each chapter was in itself a short story, with unique characters and
life stories that were not going to be tied into the remainder of the book. Because of that, she appreciated each individual character, the author's depiction of them and their "imperfections." The majority of us kept looking for a tie-in and of course never got it and felt let down at the end. The general consensus was that there was no flow with the characters, we were not able to relate to the short stories (chapters) or the characters, the writing style was choppy and could have used more fluency,  and the chapters could have benefited from additional detail and excitement. The ending was disappointing and did not tie anything together except for the final demise of the newspaper and ultimate disfunction of everyone in the book.

As always, it was a good discussion which is what our book club is all about. That being said, we collectively decided to read  "Red, My Uncensored Life in Rock", by Sammy Hagar for our May book selection. We will again be meeting at the Pinery on
May 11th at 9:30.  Kellie will be sending out an e-mail with our book selections through November.  It looks like a great list!

Have a great weekend!


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