Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Same Kind of Different as Me-Review by Pam H.

Same Kind Of Different As Me Publisher: Thomas Nelson; 1st (first) edition Text Only
Hi Ladies,

Great book club meeting today.  We missed our friends who could not make it. For those of us who had not attended a meeting at the Pinery Golf Club,  there seemed to be a concensus that the room is perfect.... so it sounds like we will return there whenever possible.  Thanks to Cindy for bringing her delicious sausage/cheese balls (not sure what they are called) but they sure were good.

We made a decision today that whoever suggests the book, leads the book discussion and brings a goodie to that meeting.  We did stipulate however, that we are to keep it simple and not try to get into a "need to out do her" kind of mentality.  Store bought is just fine... so not to make this added task a chore in any way.  The next book is  Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet  by Jamie Ford.  We believe that Johnnie suggested the book, so unless it does not work for you, Johnnie.... you would be the leader.  If not okay with you, just let us know and someone else will do it.

Now for the book...the rating (based on 8 of us) was a 4.06. The range was 3.5 to 4.75.  Most agreed that it we liked the chapter variations going back and forth between Ron and Denver and that the book was an easy, though fairly emotional, read. Several thought it was a helpful reminder that we would "like" to do better with regard to helping people and being more compassionate on a more regular basis. For some, the book was inspirational as well.  It tied in nicely with our recent efforts as a club to do more things for others and avoid the "popping" in at Christmas mentality.

There was some discussion that the writing was not the quality that we prefer but others felt that the writing (since it came directly from Ron and Denver's heart) was fitting and more authentic. There was a discussion about whether Deborah was a little "too" perfect and if perhaps the book was a bit too "wrapped up with a bow".

We discussed whether we view homeless people that we encounter on the streets and at stop lights now in a different way.  That idea had mixed responses with some feeling that it would make a difference and others feeling that they are cynical about the motivations of the homeless panhandlers, in general, and that the book did really alter that view.

Several of us felt that the death scene for Deborah had some significance or brought up some significant feelings about loved ones that we have lost... so some tears where shed and sincere personal feelings were expressed.... which is always a good thing for a group of friends to share and brings us all a bit closer.

I could go on but suffice it to say, it was a rich discussion.
Some folks maybe interested in the second book that Ron and Denver have out called,  What Difference Do It Make.

The next meeting is schedule for March 9th and at this point it will be at the Pinery Golf Course unless a change is made for some reason.

With regard to the Ronald McDonald House on Valentines Day.. we are meeting at 6:45 am at the Pinery Golf Course so we can carpool.  Please park in the employee area over near the outdoor tennis courts. We will figure out a way to pick up Kellie.. details on that to develop,  perhaps during the trip to Costco on Monday for those going on that adventure.

Nice to see you all and have a great weekend.

Pam H

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